Liechtenstein Casino Association opposes gambling ban

The Liechtenstein Casino Association opposed the introduction of a ban on the activities of gambling establishments. This decision will be made in a referendum. At a press conference last Thursday, representatives of the gambling industry pledged to participate in preparing public opinion and lifting the ban.

On January 29, 2023, a referendum will be held in Liechtenstein to ban casinos. He was appointed by the country’s government after parliament voted against the introduction of the relevant measures.

Earlier, the initiative group IG Volksmeinung collected more than 2,000 signatures for the ban. The required standard is 1.5 thousand. According to the current legislation, if the Landstag votes against the initiative, the decision on it must be taken by universal suffrage.

If the people of Luxembourg support the initiative in a referendum, in the future the Principality will ban casinos and all other forms of gambling associated with the risk of addiction. However, the ban does not apply to recurring and instant lotteries. But the last words of the principality still remain with the prince. Based on his rights, he can overturn laws passed by Congress and the people.

The association commented: «The Casino Association understands the concerns and sees no economic basis for so many casinos in the future. The government moratorium and the measures already taken prevent further growth in the number of casinos. For these reasons, there is no need for a casino ban.»
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